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I help Social Sellers to attract interested customers without cold messaging people on social media

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Hi, I'm Julie!

I help networkmaerketers grow thriving online businesses through smart social media strategies.

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Transform your business with better online tactics.

And attract warm prospects instead of hunting using cold messaging, in-home parties, or writing a 100 person list.

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I believe we all have talents to contribute something meaningful. Let me help you unlock yours so you can earn a great living while making an impact.

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Julie's Latest Blog Posts

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Is Network Marketing All Bad?

April 15, 20243 min read

Rich People Love Building Businesses: So Why Does the General Population Think Building a Network Marketing Business is Crazy?

Ask your average person if they wish they had money. Likely the answer would be yes. But the way you make your money usually is what makes some heads and eyes roll.

If you were to start your own business, what would it be and why? Most people have a dream. They would love to help a certain group of people or something along those lines. This is all acceptable to most people and they think. “Wow, you are doing something noble with your life and helping others.”

So, why is it when people say they joined a network marketing company do people roll their eyes. Or say “I can’t believe you joined one of “those” companies”.

Truth is some people are making multiple six figures doing network marketing. It takes more than the average person to do it and you do have to be amazing at networking or aka social. But why so much push back?


Well, network marketing has gained a bad name through life because of what some people call a pyramid scheme. So, everyone thinks that every company out there is doing on of these.

Can I tell you something? If they were pyramid schemes they would be out of business because it is against the law. So, if they are not pyramid schemes then why are people still not accepting of them?

Another excuse I hear is you some people in the company make a ton of money while others don’t and the work you do pays the big guy on top.

Does that sound like any other company in life? Oh wait….every. single. One. I don’t know about you but working for minimum wage at the grocery story still pays the big guy bucko bucks….and you get well…minimum wage.

Building a 6-figure Business

Building a 6-figure network marketing business is not only possible but it can be so much fun.

Yes, you are building a business. I do feel like people have a misconception in that anyone can do this type of business. I will pop that bubble right now. Everyone cannot do this type of business. It is not for the faint of heart. If it were easy, honestly, everyone would be doing it.

The everyman loves to make money quick and fast with as little effort as possible.

That is not what I teach and that is not what being successful looks like in this business model. You are building a business which means you do have to work and you do have to put hours in but the reward for doing it comes back 10 fold.

The best things about network marketing in my opinion are these few reasons:

You get to build it how you want to build it

Time freedom to choose when you want to build it

You get to interact with so many amazing people

Your products if you choose to partner with an incredible and clinically proven company truly do change people’s lives.

If you just put the product on the shelf others would not understand the powerful effects of it and you would not be able to share how it has changed your life as well as others.

There is abundant wealth involved with network marketing and it is fun to receive those paychecks.

The Bottom Line

Well, truthfully if like I said you are partnering with a company that is incredible, you don’t have to worry about the bottom line because you are selling someone else’s products. You don’t have to worry about the shipping, you don’t have to worry about the fulfillment, you just get handed a paycheck for helping someone else thrive in life.

Sound pretty awesome to me! Building a business in network marketing is not only profitable but it can be fun if you do it the right way.

If you would like to learn more about:

The course I took to get me where I am at. You can get that for free here.

What I do in network marketing you can book a call with me here.

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