Meet Julie

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Amy!

I help passionate social sellers attract interested customers on social media.

The story of my network marketing journey started with intrigue and wanting to make money.

I sold cleaning products and had a lot of fun doing it. I enjoyed helping people learn about non toxic ways to clean their homes so their babies and families could be safe. It was a party style company and after a while the well dried up. I was so frustrated because I joined to make some money. I stepped away from it for a little while.

Fast forward a few years later I went to an in home party that one of my friends was hosting. I felt a beating in my chest that I wanted to join again but into a new comapny. At this point in my life my family needed money. We had just bought a house in the super high interest and price market and I had a newborn on a brand new insurance plan which the hospital bill was huge on.

I was overwhelmed.

Agian starting at zero...

I begin the journey of network marketing from scratch. I had so much fun launching but the well was starting to dry up again. I kept thinking. “There has to be a better way”.I then paid for many vendor events, and did several more parties, but to no avail. I mean I made a little bit but nothing like I was wanting.


In fact, after 3 years in Network Marketing, I was ready to throw in the towel and  give up on the dream.  I needed a new strategy. I needed to figure this out because my family needed the money. I knew there were so many people out there but I just didn’t know how to reach them. I kept thinking online. But didn’t know how. My up line was not doing it.

I was trying to figure it out all by myself.


I came across an incredible mentor, Ferny Ceballos and have not looked back since. He has opened my eyes to a new way of network marketing. A way that I am proud of and is actually working.I discovered that you can find quality people, build a team, and achieve great success in thisbusiness, without ever having to prospect and face rejection. 

Here’s the exact course I stared with: Attraction Marketing Formula Bootcamp

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Free Digital Recruiting Bootcamp Reveals...

How To Attract 3-7 New Customers & Team Members per Week Without Prospecting a Single Person

Never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again!





Meet Julie




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